Hamilton Day is a city-wide celebration, uplifting the #HamOnt community and supporting small businesses. The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce first held Hamilton Day in 1931 during the depths of the Great Depression to boost spirits and the local economy. In 2021, the...
OK, have we mentioned that we love our clients yet? If we have, it’s because it’s true! One of our favourite parts of working with organizations where we’re passionate about their mission is when we’re able to build long-lasting relationships. Seeing our...
“I pull my grief up to every table that I’m at.” What is Our Loss? Our Loss is a community project based in Hamilton, Ontario that brings people who are grieving together outside of traditional and health-based spaces (ex. hospitals, therapy offices). The founder of...
After a decade of living in Hamilton, I’ve had the pleasure of encountering numerous remarkable small business owners and community-driven businesses that make me proud to be a part of this vibrant city. From cherished local spots to unforgettable experiences,...
Affordable housing is a pressing issue across Canada and the challenge is felt acutely by Black and Indigenous seniors in Hamilton, Ontario. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, St. Matthew’s House embarked on the 412 Barton affordable housing project,...