Email lists are marketing gold. It’s one of the last platforms where you have access to your contacts’ information, which means you can connect with your audience even if a social media platform goes down. If you remember the collective chaos of the Instagram outage,...
Summer is a season of opportunity for your non-profit to amplify your message, engage your followers, and drive donations. By embracing organic social, creating fun and engaging content, and leveraging different platforms, you can make the most of the summer season to...
Sometimes we create branded graphics and assets for our clients, and sometimes we focus on strategy development and our clients have the capacity and skills to create designs in-house. Today, non-profits can leverage many user-friendly design tools, making design more...
In the ever-changing world of marketing, the best thing you can be is adaptable. Trends shift, customer behaviours change, and new technologies frequently arrive on the scene. It can be hard to force yourself to take a step back when you’re in a production flow and...
Hamilton Day is a city-wide celebration, uplifting the #HamOnt community and supporting small businesses. The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce first held Hamilton Day in 1931 during the depths of the Great Depression to boost spirits and the local economy. In 2021, the...