community fridges hamont
Community fridges are a volunteer run, publicly accessible, low barrier resource, from which community members can get free food. Community fridges are a method to reduce food waste, and by donating, volunteering, and spreading the word, are a method to provide care for one’s own community.
Passionate about combating food insecurity, and as regular volunteers for the fridges, Kitestring approached Community Fridges HamOnt (CFH) about rebranding to increase awareness and impact.
As a grassroots initiative, it was crucial to respect the volunteer-driven nature of the fridges while highlighting the obvious impact they have on the community. We dove into this pro-bono project with a desire to build trust, respect, and connections within the Hamilton community and amplify the efforts of CFH. Through research and creative exploration, we leaned into bright colours and playful illustrations to create an eye-catching and approachable look and feel to connect with those who access and donate to the fridges.
The new brand brings a professionalism to CFH as they continue to build partnerships with community members, businesses, and organizations across the city to keep the fridges full. We’re grateful for this resource in our community and thrilled to offer our expertise to build awareness of this much-needed support in our city.

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St. Matthew’s House